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Growth Focus: Challenges to Solutions

Many entrepreneurs start businesses with an idea. An idea that they have a product or Service that can and will sell. The object of setting up a business is to make money. Failures in many forms, befall these new businessmen as they fail to recognize a few things. Knowledge as to how to set up a business is accessible online but how to make it work is not as accessible. Many entrepreneurs are in reality not businessmen and fail to recognize the importance of a marketing strategy beyond the four Ps!

Another critical issue is the absence of marketing companies that hope to provide a full package tailor-fitted for the new businessman. Advertising is what they sell, and on your first call they will tell you they do TV, radio, print, electronic and animation, forgetting that this neophyte needs someone to hold their hand.

Many new businessmen in reality don’t know exactly what they want in relation to marketing their business. Money is the ultimate goal but a goal for putting the business before buy-ready customers are not as clear in their minds. The new businessman reaches an early plateau in the growth of the business and don’t think their situation is changeable. Capital is important and the entrepreneur believes he cant do anything until he has money and cant make a business move until they have 100% of the money. Where and how to access it might be another frustration, as financial institutions score the new businessman low and are unwilling to take a risk.

Having tried to access money and failed they are stuck in the past and ignore the opportunities of the present and the future becomes a distant fading light. The issues that remain an issue in the minds of the entrepreneur are often a small glitch but it is viewed as a mountain. Seeing all this and being resolute to succeed they become unwilling to adapt and fear seeking help (they will steal my idea) and often turn to meets and greets and seminars that give them a tool to help their businesses out of the rut, but the manual of how to use the tools is missing.

In short many of these entrepreneurs are so focused on the challenges and not the solutions, they find a reason to quit.

But there is a solution. A solution that can take all that hassle out of the hands of the entrepreneur and allow them to concentrate on the other things in life. The solution is a marketing consultant. And immediately many will say who need them due to the previous experiences. The truth is a real marketing consultant will do all this for you and more. They wont just do the Ps, but will cause in a real way the Ps to overlap and intersect the important group; your target market.

Don’t give up on your idea or your dream. K. Mc. & Associates Marketing Solutions have the tools to make your business flourish, and the manuals how to use these tools. We will transform your business and allow you to reap unbelievable rewards.

One had to be willing to adapt, continue reading and learning about your business and the market, but the help you get from us is like nuggets or gold from a gold mine.

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